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In the past, Douglas County Art Encounters provided opportunities for the public to vote on their favorite sculptures.  The Public Art Advisory Committee eliminated these awards in order to increase stipends for participating artists.  Thank you for voting and appreciating the many sculptures that have been installed throughout Douglas County over the years.  Although votes will no longer be accepted, we hope you will continue to venture out and enjoy the wonderful and unique sculptures exhibited as part of this program.

People’s Choice Award WinnersBustin' Out sculpture

2024-2025:  Joseph Cole, “Bustin’ Out” (pictured)
2023-2024:  Bobbie Carlyle, “Aviator”
2022-2023:  Stephen Landis, “Snowy Owl”
2021-2022:  Dimitry Domani Spiridon, “American Gold”
2020-2021:  Dimitry Domani Spiridon, “Wings of Freedom”
2019-2020:  Dimitry Domani Spiridon, “American Gold”
2018-2019:  Matthew Duffy, “Low-Poly Heart No. 4 (Red)”
2017-2018:  Joe Burleigh, “Blackbird”
2016-2017:  Andrew Arvanete, “Quest”
2015-2016:  Janene Di-Rico-Cable, “Puppy Love”
2014-2015:  Kevin Schaffer, “Needle and Thread”
2013-2014:  Luis Fernandez, “The Eye”
2012-2013:  Vincent Juarez, “Epic. A Mosaic Obelisk”
2011-2012:  Kevin Schaffer, “Mountain Muhly”
2010-2011:  Mark Castator, “Tower of Cumae”
2009-2010:  Anthony Guntren, “Impulse”

Holey Cow! sculpture

The Judge’s Choice award was replaced with the Kid’s Choice Award to encourage children of all ages to participate in the program.

Kid’s Choice Award Winners

  • 2024-2025:  Janene DiRico-Cable, “Holey Cow!” (pictured)
  • 2023-2024:  Janene DiRico-Cable, “Flutter-by”

Judge’s Choice Award Winners

  • 2022-2023:  Terry Malesky, “The Big One That Got Away”
  • 2021-2022:  Jacob Novinger, “Ego”
  • 2020-2021:  Dimitry Domani Spiridon, “Wings of Freedom”
  • 2019- 2020:  Jacob Novinger, “Epiphany”
  • 2018- 2019:  Charlotte Zink, “Way”
  • 2017-2018:  Joe Norman, “Shard I”
  • 2016-2017:  Joan Benefiel, “Eventide Rhythm”